Synology for Apple Users



Alternatives to DS File on IOS : rsynology

Hi, I'm currently setting up a Synology NAS for one of our clients. He'd like to access his files from his iPhone/iPad when he's on the go.

DS file (iOS) Version 5.17 - Knowledge Center

DS file is ideal for managing files stored on your Synology NAS, such as uploading and downloading files between your NAS and iDevice or perform basic editing ...

DS file (iOS) Version 5.17

DS file is ideal for managing files stored on your Synology NAS, such as uploading and downloading files between your NAS and iDevice or perform basic editing ...

DS file (iOS) Verzió 5.17

DS file is ideal for managing files stored on your Synology NAS, such as uploading and downloading files between your NAS and iDevice or perform basic editing ...

DS file (iOS) 版本5.17

DS file (iOS). 版本5.17. DS file 是管理儲存在Synology NAS 上檔案的理想選擇,可透過安全的HTTPS 連線在您的NAS 與iOS 裝置間上傳/ 下載檔案或執行基本編輯任務。

DS file on the App Store

評分 2.7 (318) · 免費 · iOS DS file is ideal to manage files stored on your DiskStation, upload or download between the NAS and the iDevice itself, or do basic editing tasks.

DS file | iOS

DS file (iOS). 版本5.17. DS file 是管理儲存在Synology NAS 上檔案的理想選擇,可透過安全的HTTPS 連線在您的NAS 與iOS 裝置間上傳/ 下載檔案或執行基本編輯任務。

DS video | iOS

使用DS video 來在iOS 行動裝置上串流Synology NAS 上的影片收藏。影片將分類到不同影片庫中,且每部電影皆能自動取得線上資訊,讓瀏覽變得更加輕鬆。 開始進行 ...

Synology DS File NAS Phone App Review

NAS Brands in 2021 – Which One Should You Choose? Buying ...

在App Store 上的「DS file」

評分 2.7 (189) · 免費 · iOS DS file 是管理DiskStation 檔案的理想工具,您可以在NAS 及iOS 裝置間上傳或下載檔案,或進行基本的編輯。透過HTTPS 支援,您可以安全地完成這些操作。除了檔案管理,DS file ...


Hi,I'mcurrentlysettingupaSynologyNASforoneofourclients.He'dliketoaccesshisfilesfromhisiPhone/iPadwhenhe'sonthego.,DSfileisidealformanagingfilesstoredonyourSynologyNAS,suchasuploadinganddownloadingfilesbetweenyourNASandiDeviceorperformbasicediting ...,DSfileisidealformanagingfilesstoredonyourSynologyNAS,suchasuploadinganddownloadingfilesbetweenyourNASandiDeviceorperformbasicediting ...,DSfileis...